Early Years – Elementary School
Kids search engine
Kiddle is a visual search engine for kids powered by Google, offering safe kids web, image, and video search.
Animal Activities for Kids
This section includes animal crafts, coloring, printable, worksheets and games for a whole bunch of animals, there are animal crafts and coloring pages for every age.
Story Place
Storytimes, checking out materials and participating in a variety of other programs at the various Charlotte Mecklenburg Library locations. StoryPlace came about to provide children with the virtual experience of going to the Library and participating in the same types of activities the Library offers at its physical locations. The site also now includes early literacy information for parents and caregivers.
Weather wizkids
Designed Weather Wiz Kids® especially for children to allow them to learn more about the fascinating world of weather. It’s also a wonderful educational website for teachers and parents to give them the right tools to explain the different types of weather to children.
NASA’s Climate Kids
NASA’s Climate Kids website tells the story of our changing planet through the eyes of the NASA missions studying Earth. Targeting upper-elementary-aged children, the site is full of games, activities and articles that make climate science accessible and engaging.
Provide learning resources in over 20 countries and six continents. Every user is different, but they share the same goal: to improve the lives of children through education, for preschool, kindergarten, G1 to G5.
Turtle diary
Introduce kids to new, exciting ways of learning with the help of fun online games, videos, experiments, puzzles, coloring sheets, and more! TurtleDiary activities pair with the appropriate grade level to enhance retention of material and increase success in the classroom.
The Walking with Dinosaurs TV series
This revolutionary show took viewers right into the dinosaurs’ world, showing them as if they were alive and filmed in the wild. It covered an amazing 155 million years of prehistory with the most cutting-edge technology ever seen on television.
Fact monster
Helping you with homework and facts also have some games and trivia quizzes for you!
National Geographic Kids
Math/ Khan Academy
Middle School
Citations for Beginners Video
In this video, you will learn what plagiarism is? And why we create citations, the format and components of a citation.
Science planet
SCIplanet is a bilingual edutainment science magazine published by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Planetarium Science Center and developed by the Cultural Outreach Publications Unit. Through its printed and online publications, SCIplanet conveys science to Egyptians in an interesting manner, following the steps of the BA’s unique variety of activities that aim to educate through entertainment, as well as its mission to be a center of excellence in the production and dissemination of knowledge.
High School
NASA Pub Media Central
PubMed Central (PMC) is a full-text, online archive of journal literature operated by the National Library of Medicine. NASA is using PMC to permanently preserve and provide easy public access to the peer-reviewed papers resulting from NASA-funded research.
Google Newspapers
Google has archived hundreds of newspapers, even spanning back to the 1800’s. If you are looking for old newspaper articles, this is the place.
Awesome Library
Awesome Library organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine.
AP is a free, core academic web site that delivers rich multimedia content–videos, animations, and simulations–on general education subjects to middle-school and high-school teachers and college professors, and their students, free of charge.
MLA Formatting and Style Guide
MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (8th ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes, footnotes and the Works Cited page.
APA Formatting and Style Guide
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This resource, revised according to the 6th edition, second printing of the APA manual, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2ndprinting).
Shakespeare Resource Center
You’ll find here collected links from all over the World Wide Web to help you discover William Shakespeare. There are millions of pages that reference Shakespeare on the Internet. This site aims to make it a little easier to find the most useful ones.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
This site has offered Shakespeare’s plays and poetry to the Internet community since 1993.
The Folger Shakespeare Library
The Folger Shakespeare Library is revolutionizing the way Shakespeare is taught, showing how the study of his work deepens knowledge and hones skills across key academic areas.
Absolute Shakespeare
Absolute Shakespeare, the essential resource for William Shakespeare’s plays, sonnets, poems, quotes, biography and the legendary Globe Theatre.
Academy of American Poets
Becoming the original online resource for poems, poets’ biographies, essays about poetry, and resources for K-12 teachers.
The Favorite Poem Project
Geology Mineralogy Database
The Mineralogy Database was last updated on 9/5/2012 and it contains 4,714 individual mineral species descriptions with links and a comprehensive image library.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
American Digital History
This site was designed by professors at the University of Houston to support the teaching of American history. The site includes an online textbook, historical documents, online exhibitions, interactive modules, and much more.
Making of America (MoA)
Making of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction.
Early Americas Digital Archive
Is a collection of electronic texts and links to texts originally written in or about the Americas from 1492 to approximately 1820.
BBC Ancient Egypt
World War One
BBC World War One & Two
Ancient Egypt
Discovering Ancient Egypt